Artemis’s Story

“All right, mind trawler, do your work.”

“No, no, Ives,” replied Artemis. “You want him dead, you kill him.”

Guildmaster Ives rolled his eyes and gestured to one of his thugs, who pulled out a knife and stalked over to the writhing man bound and gagged on the floor. “If you want to get specifics, you want to prime the pump,” said Artemis, the sing-song tone of his voice falling just short of impertinence.

Ives glared at Artemis, but barked, “I want to know what Cora’s planning at the Royal Art Museum.”

That was it? A man’s death to undercut a rival Guildmaster on one job? Artemis’s disappointment cut short as the thug’s blade slid across his victim’s throat. Within moments, the blast of psychic energy emanating from the man’s death rolled over Artemis. 

Ever the professional, Artemis allowed the man’s fear and anguish to surge into him as he sifted through the man’s memories. Blast, he had two tow-headed kids who adored him. The man was a lying cheat who had bashed in his own share of heads, but Artemis always hated leaving kids fatherless, no matter how vicious said father had been in life.

Ah, there was the museum job – distraction for a bigger prize, eh? Artemis would have to see if he could get in on that action. And what was this? Guildmaster Cora was developing quite the network of operatives. Now there was a competent Guildmaster, and one who didn’t kill unnecessarily to boot.

After a few minutes gleaning all the information he could from the man’s dying mind, Artemis looked back at Ives. “The Royal Art Museum has a flaw in its security detail: A southwest, second floor window is partially obstructed from the view of the ground crew and is out of sight for five minutes every half an hour. A patient thief can climb on the patio roof and then break through the window. They are going for a jade and ivory statue of the goddess Lyr. Their buyer is a Sho’lan noble who claims it was stolen from him.”


“One week from today.”

“Anything else?”


“Good. Plenty of time to take advantage of this flaw first. Mr. Brisco’s payment if you please,” said Ives with a malicious glint in his smile.

Artemis rolled his eyes as the two thugs launched themselves at him, stiletto knives out. A couple psychic blasts to their faces knocked them out cold. Had Ives not heard that Artemis’s abilities ventured further than mind trawling? Ives had also foolishly allowed Artemis to stand between him and the door. As Ives attempted to bolt past, Artemis sent a telekinetic blast at the Guildmaster’s knees, knocking him to the ground. A breath later, Artemis knelt onto Ive’s back with a knife caressing the man’s throat. 

“Honestly Ives, the nobles have tried to off me for the past decade, and you thought you could manage it?” Artemis drawled. “Now let’s see if I can make this evening worth my while. What secrets does your Guild have?”

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